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Blog post: Progress update July 17

Today I added initial CSS (SCSS) configuration, updated the Sanity schema to auto-populate the publish date and change the sort order in the Studio, and added a font (Raleway from Google Fonts for now, this will probably change, I was just figuring out how to add fonts in NextJS). Fonts use a similar setup to how the <head> section is editied in Nuxt, maybe even easier. I used this article but referenced the fonts using Google URLs instead of downloading and hosting locally, and 'as="stylesheet"' instead of 'as="font"'.

Next up is figuring out how to do something like Vue's single-file components with React, and then getting into TypeScript. I've missed strongly-typed languages since I stopped working in ActionScript so I'm really looking forward to getting back into that.

One thing I realized just now is that since I'm learning React, I'll be able to build custom Sanity input components. I'll have to think of a reason to make one.
